Story of a dream come true

Gallorose Park covers an area of 5 hectares and was opened to the public in 2001.

In a true oasis of greenery and shade (some 14,000 trees and shrubs have been added to the existing olive trees over the years), it is home to more than 130 wild species and domestic breeds of Mammals and Birds.
Wild species include various groups of marmosets, Bennett’s wallaby, Nile lichi (rare Sudan antelope), sitatunga, Japanese macaque, horned cebo, fennec fox and giant flying fox, and just to remain among the Mammals, species rarely seen in Italy such as yaguaroundi: a small South American puma.

Birds are a specialty of the park, which is home to five species of macaws, several species of geese, wild roosters, pheasants, cracids, pigeons, parrots, birds of prey such as the white palm vulture, turacos, hornbills, golden eagle, kookaburra, etc.
Equally exceptional is the variety of domestic breeds housed; Pisan cows, Monterufoli pony, Pomarancine sheep, Leghorn hen are just some of the breeds you will be able to meet at the Park Farm, along with other domestic animals from all over the world such as minizebu, yacks, ostriches, camels, peacocks.


Gallorose Park aims to contribute to a greater awareness of the importance of biodiversity (the diversity of living species and the ecological relationships among all living creatures), both locally and planetarily.

The Park encourages awareness of wild and domestic species, natural and semi-natural habitats, and educates on the sustainable use of natural resources.


Gallorose Park through a phase of evolution in accordance with its Mission and in order to be able to explain to the public such a very hostile concept as ‘biodiversity’ and the different conservation strategies, has realized two distinct areas:

  • The Zoological Park
  • The Farm.

The Zoological Park is dedicated to wild species while on the Farm the emphasis is on domestic breeds and in particular ancient breeds that are often forgotten today in intensive agriculture.

The preservation of these ancient breeds, considered of great importance by the FAO itself, is also perpetuated thanks to the collaboration of the Gallorose Park (which houses, for example, one of the largest existing nuclei of the Pisana cow).

In the Zoological Park the various species have been subdivided according to a geographical criterion, so visitors will encounter in succession the fauna of Africa, Europe, America, Australia and Asia.

Thanks to a series of developments, the facilities fully meet the needs of the animals housed.

Contacts have been made with scientific institutions to carry out research and conservation projects on native fauna and hosted exotic species.

In addition, contacts are to be strengthened with zoos and private breeders to collaborate on breeding projects for threatened species found in the Park.

Chiama ora
Acquista Biglietti